Monday, 27 May 2013

How to Create an Online Video

Summary: Creating an online video is an amazing way to promote a product or service. However, it is very important that the online video is created in a proper manner using proper tools and software.
In website content writing, creating an online video is an exciting way to attract new customers. There are many ways to create an exciting and alluring online video without making it obvious that you are trying to promote or sell a product.
Let’s discuss a few easy steps which will help you to create an online video:

The Introduction Slide

Create an introduction that of 15-30 seconds length. In article writing, you can use this to brand your site and to grab attention. A good introduction prepares the audience for the rest of the video. You can also include music clips in your introduction. Please make sure that the music clip is free from copyrights.

Be Dynamic

While you are making a video to promote your content writing skills, make sure the whole video is dynamic and not boring. At the same time, you have to be dynamic in the video as well. Do not bore your audience by showing the same screen shot throughout the length of the video. While preparing a video to promote article writing, you can use transitions to divide your speech into chapters. This will be more interesting to the audience rather than you standing in one position and pointing at the same screen throughout the entire video.

Don’t hide behind the screen but be visible

While making a video to promote your content writing and article writing skills, it is very important that you show yourself instead of just giving voice to the video. It helps a lot if people see the person that is talking to them as it builds trust which will increase your sales to a great extent.

The Camera

While making a video to promote your content writing and article writing skills, you do not need a hi-fi camera to record the video for you. The digital cameras available in the market today can make great videos for online purposes as an online video does not require high resolution. You can also use webcams or the built-in camera from your laptop, but these cameras have lower resolution setup and are devoid of the required mega pixels to record quality videos.

The Software

While making a video to promote your content writing and article writing skills, you can get cheap quality software for free just to get started, but if you are dedicated to the business, buying good software that will cost a bit more is a better choice. Quality software allows professional video recordings as well as editing. These are very user-friendly and you will not need much time to get acquainted to the software. In order to promote your article writing skills in a better way, it is always advisable to buy good quality software for recording and editing purpose.

The Background

While making a video to promote your content writing and article writing skills, it is very necessary to make your background look clean and professional.  You can also record the video outside in case you do not have an office or a room. However in that case, you must buy good software which allows you to modify the sound as well as the video quality afterwards. The software packages mentioned above allow you to modify the video and the sound afterwards.

While making a video to promote your content writing and article writing skills, the online video does not have to be super cool or jazzy. It is the quality of the video and the way you speak that will matter the most. As mentioned earlier, do not speak as if you are trying to preach and most importantly, it must not seem to the audience that you are trying to sell your product. Go ahead and prepare an online video and you will be amazed at the speed at which you grow in the website content writing industry.

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