Friday, 21 September 2012

Finding Nemo 3D – Review

Honestly, there is nothing new to speak about the movie. Finding Nemo in 2003 and Finding Nemo 3D in 2012 are identical. However, everything seems new thanks to the 3D animation added to the original. Therefore, if anyone is the hero of the movie, it is the 3D effect. The 3D effect made the Great Barrier Reef come alive. It makes Finding Nemo 3D worth watching.

As for the story, this movie teaches us the same thing that it did in 2003 – Friendship and never-say-die attitude. It also teaches us never to back down or give up. Once again what surprises us is the very reason this movie received the Best Academy Award (Animation) in 2003 - here daddy the hero, daddy knows best, daddy is sure nothing is impossible for his son Nemo. For Nemo, he cannot see any fish stronger than his daddy.

There are enough elements in the movie for people watching it for the first time and also for those who are watching it after almost 9 years. One would surely be amazed when they get to see the beauty that lies beneath the sea and that too in 3D. Clownfish, Regal Tang, Oysters, Sharks, Whales, Sea monsters and many other sea-creatures in 3D is an effect you don’t want to miss.

 I will suggest you to watch Finding Nemo 3D if you have never seen the movie before. Also watch the movie if you have seen it already, because this time around the adventure is in 3D!

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Via Bhavesh Bhatia’s blog

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